Family Art Workshops 2024

DATES: 4th, 11th and 18th August
TIME: 10am - 1pm
AGE/ABILITY: 1 Adult and 1+ child, all abilities welcome.
FEES: Adult £30, child £15 per session.
TUTOR: Sam Halstead, Phoebe Stannard.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Come as a family or in pairs, working in the Artists studio and sculpture garden, have a fun and creative morning, try out drawing, printing and sculpture. All welcome, no experience necessary.
Choose an option and get in touch:
Option 1: Mono-printing workshop. Using a still-life set up in the studios, students will be supported to explore monoprinting, a quick and simple introduction to printmaking. Starting with the most simple- direct technique- and moving on to explore additive and subtractive monoprinting students will have the chance to use the studios printing press.
Option 2: Cyanotype workshop. Using found objects and botanics, students will be supported to explore cyanotypes. A form of printaking which harnesses sunlight into a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, and alchemy.
Option 3: Botanical plaster relief plaque. Individual plants and flowers will provide a basis for casting techniques beginning with simple impressions in push moulds, building up more complicated compositions. Students will create unique plaster works directly from life.
Option 4: Drypoint workshop. Using a still-life set up in the studios, students will be supported to explore drypoint, as an introduction to printmaking. Learning how to scratch into the surface of a plate and then ink it up ready for printing on the studios printing press.
Interested in a day not listed? Contact us below!
To book please fill in the form below, email us at [email protected] or phone on 07540 974944.